Monday, July 28, 2014

Now That I Found You - Terri Clark

Just the idea alone that you have found someone like them is so hard to believe.  They care about you. They take their time to love you for who you really are and they don't judge you or make you feel bad.  They want to see the real you and help you open up and not hide things from them.  you can tell them all your secrets and they will still love you. 

What an amazing opening for a song.  It is a wonderful thing to find someone like this that wants to be more tomorrow than they were today.  That looks for new ways to love you and wrap you around their finger.  Life and love should be exactly like this.  Most of us have a past.  A History.  Full of things we regret and are ashamed of and embarassed.  And this person says so what.  I see the road you traveled to get here.  Turn around with me and lets look at the road ahead because that is all that matters.

I see the heavens open.  Again, another appropriate component to this song because love like this is a gift from God.  The heavens open and our lives are forever changed because of the person God sent our way.  We need to remember this truth and ensure we protect the gift God sent to us. We have something destined to make it through the good and bad times.  We have the chemistry that will give us the strength we need when we are weak.  Yes, there will be mistakes.  Yes, we will fight.  Yes, we will want to quit.  Yes, we will be afraid.  But if we keep our eyes on God and looking down the road ahead of us, nothing formed against us shall stand.  We are more than conquerers and we will be ok.  Because I found you.  Or maybe you found me.  Either way life is so good.

How can I believe
That my heart would find someone like you
You see me, the real me
No in bewteens, I had nowhere to hide
You took away the walls around me
Made me feel safe to share my truth

I see the heavens open, a heart that once was broken
Is holding nothing back
Now that I found you
You hold me like a prayer, you touch me everywhere
A lifetime just ain't enough to love you true
Now that I found you
Now that I found you

I do believe we're meant to be
Our chemistry will last forever
And through the years
We'll see some tears
We'll conquer fears
And together we will grow
Looking in your eyes
They tell me
I no longer have to feel alone

You see me, the real me
You believe in me

HEARTWORK:  Print the words to the song out and sit down together and read them to each other.  Start to finish.  Then go back and read 1 line.  And tell your spouse/partner how that relates to your relationship.  How it represents what is going on in your heart.  Explain things.  Tell them about your fears.  Tell them your secrets.  Tell them how glad you are that you have them and you can tell them these things because they are your best friend.  Take down the walls around you. 

If you can't do that.  TELL THEM.  They need to know what it is that keeps you locked away behind your walls.  Conquer your fears together. Cry together.  Cry about mistakes and missed opportunities and regrets and cry happy tears that your road looks so much different ahead than behind.  "Relationship partner, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL"