Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I'd Choose You Again - Forester Sisters

I have loved this song from the first time I heard it.  Absolutely heart-warming and fun.  An honest look back at a life well lived.  Here a girl is acknowledging that she is getting older, and with age comes wisdom, and now she is reflecting on the decisions she has made along the road of life.  I really like that she acknowledges mistakes made.  Some of them even come back to visit her and give her grief.  I certainly know what that feels like.  Looking at missed opportunities, errors in judgment, and just down-right regrettable decisions.  Feeling so helpless with all the “what if” and “would have” and “could have” moments in my life.

The thing I love is that she doesn’t let them keep her down.  She doesn’t have to be held hostage to those mistakes.  You really get the sense that not only does she see the mistakes, but she clearly learned the lessons and you know given a second chance those mistakes would be avoided.  She can look back and see not only the mistakes, but the best choices she has made.  And those choices are the ones she would happily repeat.  The others, yes, we all wish we could rewind time and make changes.  Erase parts of the past.  But they are part of who we are.  Did we learn anything from them?  Or did we find ways to snatch defeat right from the jaws of victory and do the same dumb thing over again?

She says if God gave her the chance to do it all again she would carefully consider those options.  Maybe make some wiser decisions.  But bottom line is she would pick that man again.  Without a doubt.  Thank the Lord for the man he gave her, and not miss a chance to say yes all over again to him.  The song is great because God is so central to the entire story being told.  Times were hard, and God sure seemed to give the easy road to others.  But regardless of how life was treating them, he had a way of making things ok.  He could comfort her and tell her it was going to be ok because they had each other. What more does anyone need when they have someone who loves them like that?  What does the world have to offer that would be worth losing that?  What is the world capable of throwing at us that could defeat us when we have that kind of love in our corner?  The love of her life kept her going and she was all he needed. 

If she could start her life anew, the first that she would do is?  Choose him again.  She knows what she has with this man and regardless of what other possibilities exist with other options, she would not make a mistake and gamble on another.  Stick with a winner.  When you have a solid victory stop looking around and wondering how you can trade your beautiful lawn for some grass just a bit greener.  Focus on the gift God has given you.  Grow that gift.  Water that lawn.  Make it the envy of all your friends and family.  Make it the example for your children.  Make it a life well lived with an unregrettable choice :)

Looking in my life
Through the eyes of a young girl growing older all the time,
Maybe just a little wiser
I can clearly see
All my mistakes keep coming back to visit me
Pointing out the roads not taken
So much I'd like to change but one thing I'd do the same

I'd choose you again, I'd choose you again
If God gave me the chance to do it all again
Oh, I'd carefully consider every choice and then
Out of all the boys in the world
I'd choose you again

Times weren't always good
Seems like the Lord gave all the easy parts away
But every time the road got rocky
You'd look at me and say
Had all you needed long as I was there with you
You're the reason I kept going
If I could start my life anew
The first thing that I would do

HEARTWORK:   Asses your life.  Write down the good and bad choices and write down what you got from them.  Rewards or lessons?  Which choices are your favorite?  Do they involve someone you love?  If so, share them.  If your choices are less than happy and they involve someone you love, tear that part of the page off and throw it away.  We are new creatures in Christ Jesus.  The past is the past.  Drop the hurt off and grab tight to the love.