Sunday, January 19, 2014

Finding Treasure

The other day I was praying and telling the Lord about the things on my mind.  Issues I am having at work, with my children, in my relationship.  God has been so faithful to answer me and give me guidance and comfort and validation that it should not have surprised me with what He taught me.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field.  And a man found the treasure, and he hid it, and was so happy that he went home and sold everything he had so he could buy the field and keep the treasure”

I sat there thinking about this for a minute trying to understand the meaning.  How was this a message to me?  What was He telling me?  What did He want me to see?  How does this apply to the turmoil in my life?  

And then the epiphany.  (I LOVE EPIPHANIES!!)

A relationship sent to you from God is like a treasure that was hidden.  And when a person finds the treasure, they recognize what God has given them, and they protect it so nobody steals it away. They go home and get rid of everything in their life that interferes with their new found treasure.  What do I mean by that?  It means that we get rid of the past.  We get rid of the connections we have been keeping to prior relationships.  We clear out the space in our heart that we were giving to other people from our past to make room for the new person God has sent.  We throw away old love letters because they should have no place in our lives now.  We delete the old pictures, throw away cards, remove them from facebook, remove them from messengers, from skype, from snapchat, from whatever we used to keep our connection to them alive.  

Kinda harsh don’t you think?  No, I don’t.  Who told the story of the man finding the treasure?  Jesus did.  Jesus did not say the man sold just enough of his possessions to get enough to buy the field and add it to what he already owned.  He did not get a loan against the properties he owned and bought the new field.  He didn’t find a way to keep the old, and acquire the new.  He got rid of everything else in life that would get in the way of his new treasure.  He made a decision.  He didn’t try to find a way to have both.  He KNEW in his heart what he wanted, and he wasted no time cleaning out his past so he could have his future.  

If you are not willing to get rid of your past, then you have not found your treasure.  If you need to find a way to keep some parts of the past around, then again I say you have not found your treasure.  It is just that simple.  You might have something of value.  But it is not the treasure your heart has searched for.

It is funny how we say that the scriptures have answers to everything in life.  Because it is true.  We just need to take the lesson and look at it with new eyes.