Friday, June 27, 2008


I have been talking to various people lately and I see two common themes that keep a relationship from living up to its full potential. Involvement and communication. I want to brainstorm them individually so we get as much time as we need for each one. This time we will cover involvement, next time communication. I decided to go with involvement first because I think it’s the easiest to work on if you really want to make the effort to strengthen your relationship.

I was recently on a plane flying across the country and I got lucky enough to sit next to an elderly lady on her way to visit her daughter, her grandchildren, and her great grandchildren. She started talking as soon as I sat down and you know I couldn’t refuse a good conversation. She was so excited about her trip. She makes it every year as soon as it starts to warm up. It’s a chance to get out and stretch her legs, see the beautiful Carolina landscapes, and soak up some family time. She asked me if I like to travel. I said oh yes I sure do. She said she LOVES it. She had a dream of buying a motor home and going to every state she could and see as much of the country as possible when she retired. It was a dream. I told that was a great dream and she should do it!!

The problem she was having is that her husband doesn’t want to do it. He hates to travel. She then started to talk about how she was in this club and that club and she had this hobby and that hobby. But she did them all alone. She waited for him to retire to do things with him and he has no desire to do them. She said he was a good man. And she did love him and she respected him. But she wished he would get involved in her life. That was her only regret she says...that she had a partner that wasn’t interested in the life she was interested in.

That brings us to the brainstorming part. Do we wake up one day and realize our partner’s are not really interested in us or do we see it happening gradually over time? When the relationship starts to get stale, or is flat out dying, why do they sit on the sidelines completely oblivious to the signs and symptoms? Do they realize what it would mean to us to go out into the backyard with us and just sit there while we do a hobby like gardening. How about a stroll around the mall just because we want one?

OK Maybe the real question I am asking is do they not see how little things mean so much to us? You know it’s not a big diamond ring or a new car that endears us to our lovers. It's all the things they do that are undeniably from the heart. I read a letter today that a guy wrote to a relationship counselor. He was talking about how he felt things had become so routine, and how the things that should be special (like love making) seemed to be in fast-forward mode to get it over with as fast as possible. He said he would like for her to touch him as they pass in the hall. Or to let him somehow know she still finds him sexy. How does the relationship go from make-out sessions that left your lips puffy to a routine that you both wish were just over as fast as possible? How do you go from being locked together all time to space so far between you that you can’t see the other side? Another item I read this week dealt with the loneliness that is a loveless relationship. I wonder if the little things in life, the time spent with them doing something they enjoy, is glue that keeps the hearts connected.

Have you ever felt like you live with this person and they don’t even know who you are?If you read the 5 Love Languages book I recommended then you know Quality Time and Acts of Service are love languages we speak to our partners. When we do them, we put love in their tanks. When we complain about doing them, we open the valve and let the good stuff run out. One last question and I ask this with a big fat smile on my face. When you have a treasure in your life, how in the world do you not find every excuse possible to spend time with that person? I close my eyes and I dream of what it would be like to come home at night and ask her what she wants to do. I wouldn’t care what she said so long as I got to do it with her.

HEART WORK: Ask yourself if there are ways you could spend time with your partner that would really make them happy. Are there little things you used to do that you could start doing again? Would it be so bad to go out of your way to let them know how you feel about them? And please, take the time to read the book. Seriously. If you want to fall in love again read the book. I strongly believe that love is not a reactionary emotion, it’s a proactive action. Love is what we do far more than what we feel. You want more from your partner love him/her? With actions. Read the book.

If you have your own ideas or stories lets hear them.