Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Big Brother and Jordan's Smile

I recently started watch the reality show "Big Brother." It is a pretty interesting show where a group of people come to live in a "house" that is wired everywhere with cameras that record their every move, every word, every action. The idea is that the guests team up and compete in various games for powers that protect their team and help boot the enemies out of the house.

The thing I like most about the show isn’t what we see on the regular TV program. It's what I saw when I watched Big Brother After Dark on Showtime. This is where the cameras were rolling catching all the things happening in the house when the house guests were not competing and recording the TV show. They were just being themselves trying to get along and pass the time. They played games, cooked, argued, sat out by the jacuzzi and pool, played pool, etc. Most formed close bonds with other players for various reasons, mostly preservation.

But there were those that created bonds on an emotional level. Jordan and Jeff are the couple I liked most. They were a great team and you could tell there was some real chemistry. As the show got closer to the final Jeff was removed, leaving Jordan and 2 other guests to fight it out for the win.

One night on After Dark the other 2 quests were playing chess and Jordan was on her bed staring into space. You could see she was deep in thought and from time to time a smile would break out on her face. It would get really big and cheesy, then relax, then big again. She would have a pouty lip, a smile, here eyes would sparkle. It was great to watch because in my mind she was thinking about Jeff. And her heart was smiling as she replayed all the time she had spent with him and what he meant to her.

So I got to brainstorming and I started asking myself a lot of questions about what I saw there. What do I do when I am alone like she was? Do I lay there smiling at memories of a certain person? Do I long for a chance to spend time with her again? Am I thinking about her or the pork tenderloin I barbequed for dinner last night? What is going on in our hearts and minds when we are separated from the ones we are in love with?

The funny part of the whole visual is that one of the other quests, Natalie, often spoke about her boyfriend (and eventual fiance) and how much he meant to her and how much she loved him. She was vocal about the feelings she had for him. She talked about how great he was and how she missed him. Funny thing is that for most of the show she was connected to the hip of the big body builder Jessie and she was in a constant struggle with another guest (Lydia) to Jessie’s attention. She loves her boyfriend but she was clearly into Jessie.

Jordan on the other hand never behaved like Natalie. True she didn’t have a relationship outside the show that she should have protected but even so she doesn’t act like Natalie. Jordan never comes out and expresses feelings for Jeff. She doesn’t fawn over him or behave un-lady like. She actually kept her cool and kept the relationship with Jeff from getting physical. Yet the whole time you know what she is thinking because you can see it in her eyes. The way she looked at him. The way she smiled when he came around. The way she looked when nobody was watching (except me on After Dark!) and she was thinking about him.

I think the difference is clear. One professed love, the other exhibited it. One talked about her love. The other let it show in her eyes and in her smile. One made me roll my eyes and shake my head. The other made me smile and dream a bit.

HEARTWORK: Ask yourself which of the two images better identifies where you are in your relationship. Are you the one professing a hallow love or are you the one smiling and in love? Where do you want to be? Why are you not there? What can you do to move closer toward the side your heart wants to be on?

There is a lot more here. This idea can really be explored and some very interesting perceptions and ideas can be shared. I will be thinking more on this one.