Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Brave Heart

I have to say that Braveheart is a top 10 movie for me. In fact it's right up there next to the top. I was reflecting on the subtle things that are said in the movie and I wonder how many people hear the words, and how many people HEAR the words. What I mean by that is most people are listening to the things said throughout the movie. But how many are actually listening to what is said and understand the meaning, the message, that they are sending?

The line I am thinking about is the one William says Princess Isabella during one of their very emotional conversations. "Every man dies, not every man really lives." The whole idea goes back to my basic belief that I have shared here many times, that it is not good enough to just exist in a partnership however you define that. Our hearts desire more. They desire, even demand, more.

We know what we want. Yet we continue day in and day out to settle for far less than our hearts beg us for. Why? Because everyman dies. Not every man really lives. It's easy to go along for the sake of comfort and peace. It's easy to say I can tolerate the fact that I am so far from desires because I am so close to my comforts. Why upset things? Why cause trouble, inflict pain, hurt feelings, maybe even break up an otherwise happy home?

I spend a lot of time on that idea. Ending something that is adequate. Tolerable. Nothing more than a mere existence but an easy one at that. If I give in a little and work a little to cooperate I can trade that for a little bit better than a moderate love. I see that. So why can't I just say ok? Why do I keep beating my head against the wall and asking for more when more will hurt people I do love. It's not easy.

Brainstorm that idea out a little and maybe the answer will be clear to you as well. My answer is simple. I am willing to do it because my heart demands more. My heart demands the love of a soulmate. My heart demands someone who wants me to love her that way in return. My heart demands someone who is not willing to accept merely existing in a tolerable relationship. I demand someone who wants to really live. To really love.

HEARTWORK: Brainstorm your TRUE heart requirements. Can you get them in the relationship you have if you put in the effort? That's always the best hope. But if not, what are you willing to settle for? Most everyone will find someone to love. Not everyone will find someone to be crazy in love with.

It takes a BRAVE heart to stand up and say I need more. It takes a braver heart to take the steps required to have more. That's my take. What's yours?