Monday, October 13, 2008

The Garden

I am sorry it has been another long stretch between posts. Life continues to get the better of me. I am planning on a number of items for the remainder of the month. I have been working on several ideas, and I seem to have more and more every day.

I heard an interesting theory the other day that I want to explore a little. The idea is that a woman is an amazing creature (not news to me) who is capable of growing whatever seed you give her. She is capable of adapting to her environment. And she will take on the atmosphere you create for her. It was the first time I had really thought about it but the idea has validity.

Here are some of the examples I came up with.(Ya I stole a couple of these to get the ball rolling)

Give a woman a house she can grow you a home.
Give a woman compassion and she will grow you a forgiving spirit.
Give a woman your heart she can grow to adore you.
Give a woman your mind and she will grow you wonderful conversations.
Give a woman your love and friendship and she will grow you a soul mate.
Give a woman your affection and she will grow you kindness.
Give a woman your loyalty and she will grow you confidence.

The list goes on and on. You see the idea now. I am convinced that the formula works every time it’s tried and you don’t have to put much effort into it. It’s going to happen. That's what is so amazing about this magnificent wonder we call woman. Her possibilities are endless.

But just the good things as possible, so are the bad. It’s not what her heart wants. I don't really want to detail the list for the bad possibilities. I think you understand that when you give her something unpleasant, then something unpleasant will grow.

If the formula really is this easy why are we missing it guys? Is there MORE to it than this? Or is it really this easy? Is there a piece to this puzzle we can't seem to figure out? Ladies how close are we to figuring it out?

Does that work both ways? Are guys that simple to figure out as well? Do we respond to positive things the way a woman does? Are we open and looking for that kind of encouragement? Or is that man of yours just a blob of indifferent grunts and odd sounds that is a hopeless project that you somehow love in spite of himself?
I am going to cast my vote for all the possibilities. Our relationships are a plot of open land and we make the decisions on what we plant, and what we allow to grow. If you have weeds in your garden and you see that then do yourself a favor and talk about them so you can pull them out. If you don’t then they will grow and grow and choke out anything positive that could be growing. Put the past in the past. Weed your garden together.

I am going to end the idea here because I want your feedback. Oh and if any of this sounds like the idea of "filling the tank" then pat yourself on the back for making the connection. It’s amazing how right that book has it. What book? Read the earlier posts to find out.

HEARTWORK: Make a list of the things being planted in your garden. Are they good things or bad things? Ever thought about sharing them with him/her? Ever try to weed the garden of things you don't want growing? How did it go? If you haven't tried tell me why. If you have tried to weed and they protect the weeds ask yourself why they do. Talk to them. Force the issues to the surface. Its either that or a weed patch.

Send me the list of things in your garden and tell me what they are growing into. The good and the bad. I will post them all and we will see what’s working and what’s not.