Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Resolve to Restart

Happy New Year !!!

I know everyone associates the new year with resolutions and plans to change their lives in some fashion.  So many promises we make to ourselves and others about how we plan to conduct ourselves in the "new year"  So many broken promises being made that have no hope of being lived out.  So many let downs coming.  So much heart break and ache.  Why do we do it?

The answer is simple.  Because we believe we should make the change.  It really is just that simple.  There is something that is not good for us that we are doing - like smoking or cheating or lying or eating bad food -, or something that is good for us that we are not doing - like the gym.  We THINK we want to make a change, and we make a big deal out of it.  But it just doesn't get very far.  If we are lucky...we make it to February 1.  sad I know.

So let me ask you this.  Why wait for December 31 to make a promise you have no intentions of keeping?  Why not just let them fly fast and furious.  Since they have no real value anyway, just wake up every day and rattle off the nonsense you would as though it were 12/31/201? at 11:59PM.

Problem solved.  Right?

Or what you could do is actually decide that the people in our lives are more important to us than empty promises made to them, and ourselves.  You may think it doesn't hurt them to conduct yourself in a way that you would utterly embarrassed if your children found out it...but it does.  Because they will find out.  They will know.  You may think it is your personal life decision to smoke, or use recreational drugs, or drink too much, but you are making decisions that affect the people you love most.  You may think having lunch with the cute receptionist is OK because she knows you are in a relationship, and she is too.  Stop it.  It is NOT OK.  You may think your partner knows you love them.  TELL THEM.  Every day.  Show them.  Every day.

Chose them.  Make the changes that protect them.  That protect your family.  Your relationships.  Your integrity.  Your children.  Your career.  Your health. 

Make a change for the people that matter to you.

If you don't.  They don't matter.  It really is that simple.

Side note:  I got married :)  12-13-14.  Epic Day.  Epic Love.  Epic Life.

Share your ideas.