Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Soulmate Strong

I was watching a commercial for the Army and I started thinking about how they market to potential recruits. We have seen the signs for decades of Uncle Sam pointing a stern finger at us and telling us that he needs us. Stop and think and you can hear the song playing “BE! All that you can be! In the Army!” Recently the campaign was “Army of One” and now we have “Army Strong”

Uncle Sam was appealing to our sense of duty. Our sense of patriotism. Our Pride. The desire to contribute something and be a part of history. He called us to serve. In our relationships is that such a bad thing? Is it wrong to want to stir those types of feelings. To give our very best to something (really to someone) that we love? Don’t we want to be proud of what we have in our relationship? Don’t we want to think of ourselves as givers to the relationship? Serving the relationship? I think we do. Or we would not be wasting our time on this blog.

What about the song? Be all you can be. I was brainstorming that idea out and it hit me just how meaningful that idea is. The army says you are good. But come join our team and you can be great. Don’t settle for average. Aspire to bigger and better things. Be more with her than you could be on your own. Be better with her than you could be on your own. Remember that moment at the end of the movie “As Good As It Gets” when Jack Nicholson tells Helen Hunt “You make me want to be a better man.” That’s what a relationship should do for us. It should make us aspire to be our absolute best. And we should be doing everything we can so our partner can be their absolute best.

Army of One. I had to think about this. But not for long. The idea was simple once I gave it a little thought. It’s a lot like the song. Together we are stronger and better than we are alone. Together we are not two against the world. We are a united front. One. A team. Its me and you I have your back you have mine. I lean on you and depend on you and count on you to get me through the hard times and be there to enjoy the good ones. And you do the same with me. Individually we are good. Together we are great.

Finally, we hear tyrants around the world proclaim how they would unleash hell on our army if we dare mess with them. Ya ok. Anything you say pal. Truth be told no country on the planet wants to hear that the USS Ronald Reagan and her battle fleet are sailing toward them to give them the business. One Seawolf submarine is capable of launching 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles that could make a country disappear from the map. Our military has its faults, but its might is unquestionable. Our relationships should be like that. Ya they have their troubles. But at the end of the day their strengths should be the focus and we should draw on the good things they present. They should be a shield for us, defending us against outside forces trying to wear us down and defeat us. When you are under attack, you should turn to your partner for help in your battles. Not just strong. Soulmate Strong.

HEARTWORK: Come up with an advertising plan to promote your relationship to your partner. Think up a new way you can “recruit” your partner to team up with you and strengthen the bond you share. Keep in mind that you want to be better together than you are individually.

Email your plans or your catchy phrases and slogans. They could be fun to share.