Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Half Way Through - Looking Forward

We are few short days away from the 2015 half-way point.  And me personally, at age 46, consider myself be to right about my half-way point here on earth.  So it is time to do a little retrospective analysis, and plot course for the future.

I lied.  I am not going to review the past.  There is no point.  Every day we complete serves only to teach us how to conduct ourselves going forward.  We can't go back and change things, though we wish we could.  We can't replay a moment in time and try alternative approaches to a problem to see what the results would be.  Waste of time to even think about.

Everyone who knows me is aware of the fact that Ronald Reagan is my hero.  He was very much a "glass half full...well (say it with his voice) it is actually more than half full and getting better by day"  kinda guy.  That was his approach to life.  It is GREAT to be alive and tomorrow will be even better.

For the remainder of 2015 I have a number of things I want to get done.

I have taken a mortgage class and I need to take the state and federal exam to get my license.  I will get that done this month.  As soon as I do I want to help a number of my friends that are veterans get their own home. 

I have built about 80% of the fencing for my garden and barn yard area.  I need to complete that and get water and electricity out that section of the yard (I have 1.5 acres)  Get electricity to the shed and the barn, as well as hot spots along the fence line for power tools etc.

I need to transition my garden from a ground grow to a raised bed grow.  Gophers, squirrels, and RABBITS have completely wiped out this years garden.  I am so bummed.

I want to finish a flip I have had in the works for 18 months.  I can see the end of the tunnel on this one.  I want to get 1 more flip done in 2015 and use the proceeds to do 3 flips next year.

I am almost debt free.  I will be debt free with the exception of my home, my rental properties, and a vehicle payment before Christmas of this year.

I want to take a cooking class this year, and some other interesting class, at the local community college.

I have a courtyard I finished paving with brick last year.  I will put up the walls, run lighting, build the fire pit, and get that done.

OK more things to do this year on the next list.

What things are on your list to accomplish this year?