Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Best Gift

OK before I start let me be clear about something.  The BEST gift was the one God gave mankind when He sent His son to die for us.  There is no disputing that.  That being said, I want to share a quick thought on relationships.

The best gift you can give someone if your love.  This all-encompassing idea includes your efforts, your energies, your time, your devotion, your availability, your loyalty, your fidelity, your trust, your respect.  The list is long I know. 

As Christmas fast approaches I hope everyone takes a minute to examine their relationships and give the things that are missing.  Trust me, it is the best gift you can give YOURSELF.  YES!  SELFISH!  SO WHAT!!

I have come to realize that the more I love my girl, the more love I get in return.  When I look at her with that look that tells her I love what I see, it always produces the biggest smiles on her face.  That my friends is the circle of happiness.  I crave seeing her smile.  I crave hearing the happiness in her voice.  I crave the responses I get from her.  And I know when I love her with my actions and my emotions and my efforts, I will get those responses from her.

If you have someone loving you like that...Thank God for the gift they are in your life.  If not, ask God for a gift like that.  Ask God to BE a gift like that.  The rewards are amazing.

Merry Christmas my friends.