Monday, October 27, 2014

When Love Finds You - Vince Gill

I wanted to close out the song concept with a slow, powerful, thought-provoking post.  I spent a lot of time going over every song I could think of and for some reason I kept coming back to this one.  Why?  Because it is a game-changer to how we go about finding and falling in love.  You see, we are taught to think we have to go find love.  That we need hunt love.  Then spot it.  Then chase it.  Then catch it.  Then pray to God that we can keep it.  What if that is the wrong way.  What if it is the reason we are not finding or keeping the love we so desperately crave?  

Here is a new way of thinking.  Let love find you.


I have seen so many Facebook posts that say “Stop praying for the perfect girl.  Pray to be the perfect guy.”  Pray and ask God to make you the most amazing partner you could possibly be.  Pray and ask God to mold you and shape you into a person that someone would consider an amazing gift from God.  Be the person you are hoping to find.  And let them find YOU.

There is a line in a Lee Roy Parnell song that I LOVE.  “If you look long you will find the one who was looking for you.”  Do you get it?  There is someone out there looking for you.  Maybe you don’t realize that yet.  But there is.  And they can’t find you because you are running out like a wild soul looking for them!  STOP.  Grab hold of that concept that when you are lost you stand still, and let the search party find you.  Otherwise you seem to stay one step ahead of them and they won’t locate you.  

You see, it is then that you least expect it, that something amazing will happen.  God will open the right door and the right person will be there.  In the flesh.  Smiling at you because they know you are the one they asked God to send to them.  They found you.  (With a little help from God) 
What now?

Give it all you can give it when your love comes around.  God has given you an amazing gift.  A hand-picked love that you asked Him for.  How amazing is that?!?!  

Make sure you take every moment you can to grow your love with that person.  Celebrate in your heart every morning that God blessed you.  Make sure they know that you are so happy to have them.  Make sure there is no doubt.  LOVE THEM.  In word – That means tell them every single day.  In action – That means show them every single day.  In Behavior – that means when they don’t see what you are doing you are loving them.  In eternity – That means you pray for them.  In life – that means you support them and protect them and defend them.  LOVE THEM.

"When Love Finds You"
Love sure is something no one can explain
It can bring you such joy, it can bring you pain
And with every emotion, love puts us through
There's nothing you can say, when love finds you

Love is the power that makes your heart beat
It can make you move mountains, make you drop to your knees
When it finally hits you, you won't know what to do
There's nothin' you can say, when love finds you

Give it all you can give it, when your love comes around
If you put your heart in it, then it won't let you down
You'll find out it's true, baby, someday when love finds you

And when you least expect it, it will finally come true
There's nothing you can say when love finds you


You'll find out it's true, baby, someday when love finds you

HEARTWORK:  Do you have a love in your life?  If you do then make sure you are doing everything in your power to keep them.  If you don’t have someone, STOP.  Be Still and Know that God loves you.  Ask God for the right person for you.  Never ask him for the desires of YOUR heart.  Ask God to give you the desires of HIS heart for you.  

If there was a song you thought would be great to discuss then email me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw

Every day we wake up we have are given the gift of another day.  What are we doing with that gift?  Do we find ways to show (not just tell) the people that we love that we love them?  Are we finding ways to be a better person?  Are we finding ways to make the most out of our day?  Of our life!?!?!  Or are we wasting it away, neglecting all the most important things.  We all know the death bed discussion.  Will someone wish they spent more time at the office?  Or home loving their family?  Will they be sad at that moment for the person that they were their whole life?  Or will they be there rejoicing with those loved ones replaying all the wonderful memories of a life well lived?

I was finally the husband that most the time I wasn't. I am a big believer in better late than never but why so late?  Why in the world do we start being good to the one person who should mean the most to us only when the end is near?  The end of a life, or of the relationship?  Why did we squander so much opportunity to be good to them?  To be loyal?  Loving?  Caring?  Understanding?  Attentive?  The list can go on, you know that.  Add in there all the things you KNOW you are neglecting and ask why?

TODAY is the day that changes.  TODAY is the day you make things right, and you set your heart on a different course.  TODAY is the day of the epiphany.  When you realize all you have to lose if you don't change direction.  TODAY you make a step in the right direction because you love them.  Don't wait until the end  is upon you.  DO IT NOW!

All of a sudden finding time for our loved ones was not such an imposition.  Wow.  We make time for such worthless meaningless fruitless things in our lives and miss out on the ones that are most important.  I thank God I was there at 90% of all my kids sports games, school events, memorable moments.  I am sad that I was not able to make it 100% I wonder about dad's that miss their childs lives.  Miss out on seeing them grow and do things.  It kills me to think back on opportunities I had to spend more time with them and I made a bad decision.

Love Deeper.  Speak Sweeter.  Give forgiveness you have been denying.  Powerful words.  I tell you now I wake up in the morning and I pray for patience, kindness, understanding, compassion, generosity.  I tell you that I have forgiven those that wronged me and I pray God bless them and pour out abundance on their lives. I harbor no ill feelings that I am aware of, and if so, I pray God help me resolve those.

Tomorrow is a gift.  Great.  But we are not starting tomorrow.  We are starting NOW.  RIGHT NOW.  Start SHOWING them that you love them.  Be a better partner in your relationship.  Not in word.  IN DEED.  Dont tell them you are going to change.  CHANGE.  Dont tell them you are going to be kind and loving.   DO IT. Don't wait until you are at exit to start.  Don't make that mistake.  Or you will find you are nothing more than a memory.  And not a pleasant one at that.

He said I was in my early 40's,
With a lot of life before me,
And a moment came that stopped me on a dime.
I spent most of the next days, lookin' at the x-rays,
Talkin' 'bout the options and talkin' 'bout sweet time.
Asked him when it sank in, that this might really be the real end.
How's it hit ya, when you get that kind of news.
Man what ya do.
And he says,


I went sky divin',
I went rocky mountain climbin',
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull name Fumanchu.
And I loved deeper,
And I spoke sweeter,
And I gave forgiveness I've been denying,
And he said someday I hope you get the chance,
To live like you were dyin'.

He said I was finally the husband,
That most the time I wasn't.
And I became a friend a friend would like to have.
And all the sudden goin' fishing,
Wasn't such an imposition.
And I went three times that year I lost my dad.
Well I finally read the good book,
And I took a good long hard look at what I'd do
If I could do it all again.
And then.


Like tomorrow was a gift and you've got eternity
To think about what you do with it,
What could you do with it, what can
I do with with it, what would I do with it.

Sky divin',
I went rocky mountain climbin',
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull name Fumanchu.
And I loved deeper,
And I spoke sweeter,
And I watched an eagle as it was flyin'.
And he said someday I hope you get the chance,
To live like you were dyin'.

To live like you were dyin'.
To live like you were dyin'.
To live like you were dyin'.
To live like you were dyin'.

HEARTWORK:  Make amends today for the things you have done.  Commit to being a loving partner, parent, or friend. Tell your partner, children, friends, the things they need to hear, and then SHOW THEM the things they need to see. Live like you knew tomorrow was it.  (But be smart...don't gamble your home away silly !!  Plan to be there for a lifetime still)