Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Safe Haven

I have spent a lot of time on my own brainstorming the idea of a Safe Haven.  A place where someone’s heart is completely safe from all the land mines, pitfalls, traps, snakes and wolves that are out there just waiting for a chance to disrupt your life.

We know they are out there.  Looking for a sign that there is some trouble at home.  Hoping to take advantage of a momentary lapse in judgment brought on by a temporary unhappiness with our partner.  Or maybe they are just bold enough to attempt a frontal assault using charm, good looks, flattering words, and charisma in hopes that they can create their own opening.

Whatever the case may be, we need to be aware of these predators and decide to stand against them and protect the relationship we have with our partner. 

Remember this simple little FACT.  Those wolves that are sniffing around the fence looking for a place the sneak into the hen house...they have no intention of keeping you.  They don’t care about you.  They certainly don’t love you.  They don’t care what you stand to lose.  They care about one thing, and only one thing:  Getting access to you for a brief moment to fulfill a selfish impulse with you.

After the moment will be nothing more than pleasant memory to them.  They will begin looking for their next conquest and you will be left to pick of the pieces.

And then the damage is done.  How do you explain to your partner what happened.  How you let your guard down.  How you made such a bed decision.  WHY?  Why did you trade what you have with your partner for what your temporary pleasures offered you?  Was it worth it?  Did you get value for your trade? 

I understand that there are times in a relationship when what your grass is not looking as green as you had hoped.  It seems that those are the moments when along comes a breath of fresh air, a new co-worker who is charming and elegant and smooth.  Maybe a blast from the past that seems more enticing today than when you were with them.  Whatever the case may be this stuff happens to us all.

What are you going to do?  Are you going to take that opportunity to indulge in some inappropriate behavior?  (Emails, Texts, Chats, Facebook, etc. anything you don't want your partner to read!)  Or are you going to stand strong and defend your relationship?  Are you going to trade what you have?  Or are you going to say "oh no, no way.  I am going to water my grass and take care of it and get it greener than any option out there??"

I can tell you that there is nothing more amazing than being in a relationship where your heart is completely safe.  A place where you have no fears that your partner is entertaining the wolves, even if from a safe distance just for the thrill of it. 

A safe haven for your heart is something you don't risk.  EVER. 
A safe haven for your partner’s heart is something you don't risk.  EVER.

I have a safe haven now. And I can tell you that it is amazing.  I feel so loved and warm and wanted and respected and needed. 

I am sated.  And for me life does not get any better.

HEART WORK:  Protect your relationship from outside invaders.  Get rid of temptations.  Who cares what they think when you ditch them.  Water your grass.  Water your partners grass.  Make sure they know their heart is safe with you.  The rewards are amazing.